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You Are In Integrity

“You are in integrity when the life you live is an authentic expression of who you are.” — Alan Cohen


See That Storm Just Ahead? Confronting Issues


“Maybe you can’t see the storm that lies just ahead. But I can. Believe me, it’s there.”

Confronting issues openly and honestly can be difficult. Many, like me are afraid of the reaction they’ll get from the person they are confronting. With that fear firmly embedded in one’s psyche, looking the other way and acting like the problem isn’t there becomes the easy way out. Or so it seems. Looking the other way really doesn’t make matters easier at all. In fact, it makes them worse. Problems often just don’t go away without some action.

I haven’t faced some very big issues and challenges that have been in my life for too long now. But I see clearly that I can’t let these problems linger. In my situation the problems have grown and the result is more and more hurt to me. I feel fear of the reaction I expect to receive. My fears I know after giving it long thought are grounded in reality and not based on my imagination. To get myself beyond this fear, I will have to have the necessary support around me to protect me. With my support in place I will face my problems. I must remember that storms don’t last forever. Eventually the sun does shine again, and life was nourished by the rains. I will come out of this a better person.


This Is Who I Am

Human misery must somewhere have a stop:

There is no wind that always blows a storm.


It’s easy to think we’ll always be in the same boat, that our characters are fixed, our habits unalterable.  “This is who I am.  You can take me or leave me.”  I know that when I find myself saying similar words to myself or thinking in this way, I often mean, “When you know who I really am, you will leave me.” No one is predestined to be a certain person or to behave in a particular way.

No one stops growing and changing either.  We have to have faith in the immense possibilities of movement and growth. Life itself is more than winds and storms.  It can be calm, changeable, hot, dry, mellow, promising, gloomy, bright, serene and even phenomenal!

We can match life’s immense diversity of moods.  We are a part of life; part of all this wondrous change and diversity and if we are not afraid to let ourselves go a bit, we can be as variable and flexible as life itself.

Indifference and Apathy: Disease of the Spirit


“The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them; that’s the essence of inhumanity.”  — George Bernard Shaw

Hate is the other side of love and shows at least energy and passion.  Probably most of us feel surges of hate at some time or another,  especially toward those we love the most.  We can deal with this if we realize that these moments will pass and be forgiven.

But indifference and apathy can become a disease of the spirit so pervasive that their darkness envelops everything.  Then life is stifled and throttled at the root.  If we don’t value the people around us,  they will feel our lack of caring as striking at the heart of their humanity.  If we have no time for life, then life and those close to us will drift away from us.

The world is a place of splendor and love.  We can connect with it if we reach out beyond self-concern and replace indifference and apathy with the energy of living and loving.

The Gift of Forgiveness



“Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.”  — Marie Ebner von Eschenbach


One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is forgiveness.  When we remember the past, we often find we were much harder on ourselves than we were on other people.  We may no longer even remember some of our misdeeds, but it’s not so easy to erase the effects of self-punishment on our identity and self-esteem. 

There is no need for us to punish ourselves.  We can apologize to ourselves, just as we do to others.  Then, we can forgive ourselves just as we do to others, and just as we are forgiven by them. 

When we find it hard to forgive ourselves and let go, there are actions we can take: Reach out to someone, or try to find the real feelings beneath the urge to be so hard on ourselves.  We can still be honest and choose gentleness.  We can also keep our perspective, seeing things realistically and not creating a catastrophe where there is none.  We can turn to the Universe, asking for a higher forgiveness and be assured of the Universe’s understanding and love.