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Exploring Healthy Sexuality


“O Body swayed to music, O brightening glance how can we know the dancer from the dance?”   — W.B. Yeats

Sexuality is not something we do, but its part of whom we are.  We are physical, intellectual, emotional, sexual and spiritual people, and all parts are equally important.  To consider sexuality as energy, a state of being, and not a state of activity, helps us bring our sexuality and our sexual expression back within ourselves.

Part of my challenge with sexuality is to explore what healthy sexuality is and to decide what my values and behaviors are going to be.  I am responsible only for taking care of myself; it is not up to me to decide sexual issues for others or for society.  It is more than enough to know my own needs and how I will meet them.  I can give myself permission to put sexuality in its rightful place.  It is an important part of who I am, but only a part, not the entire sum of my personality and being.