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You Are In Integrity

“You are in integrity when the life you live is an authentic expression of who you are.” — Alan Cohen


Silva Mind Body Healing

I’ve blogged several times about how much the Silva Method of Mind Control has helped me in my life. Recently, I came across this very comprehensive website –   and yes its goal is to sell something, but please check out its content.

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The Silva Method of Mind Control

The Silva Method of Mind Control

During one of the first trips I made back to my hometown of Milwaukee after relocating to Phoenix, Arizona, I was visiting with friends and shared I had taken a class in mind control.  I had wrestled with some emotional issues after moving, and was eager to share my new-found abilities.  I mentioned “Silva Mind Control”.  One of my friends said, “Oh yeah, I see their commercials on TV all the time.  They get kids grades in school to go up.  You in school honey?”  I cringed.  She was referring to the “Sylvan” learning program.  So began the long journey of misunderstandings that occur each time I try to share this valuable tool I’ve found.

After the move from Milwaukee to Phoenix, I not only had to deal with the adjustment just from the move itself, but I also ended a 16 ½ year relationship.  The move was a result from the sale of a business I founded and owned for 15 years.  The company that acquired mine turned out to be unscrupulous and it pained me to see the disrespectful way in which they treated my clients – my friends of so many years! I found myself dwelling and ruminating.  My mind felt so full.  My thoughts began to seem jumbled to me; I craved a good night’s sleep.  My mind however, wouldn’t let sleep come to me.  I kept hearing in my head that I should “learn to control my mind”.  That “tape” playing in my head led me to an Internet search which led me to the office of Joan McGillicuddy and Antonio Estrada of Helping Associates, in Casa Grande, Arizona; an hour’s drive from my home in Phoenix.

The website for Helping Associates had a list of “clinically proven benefits” from their seminar.  That list included:

  • Increased creativity
  • Improved health, energy, vitality and sleeping ability
  • Improved memory
  • Improved intuition
  • Improved understanding and application of intuition
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Improved self-acceptance
  • Improved habit control
  • Improved self-assurance; freedom from guilt
  • Improved social orientation, greater assertiveness and spontaneity
  • Improved coöperation with life and others
  • Improved physical self-image
  • Improved attitudinal change to enthusiasm
  • Improved personal integration of emotions and harmony in personal affairs
  • Improved adherence to social order
  • Improved family relationships
  • Improved use of dreams to solve problems

(Helping Associates 2010)

I saw what I was longing for.  Improvement!  I called the office of Helping Associates and enrolled into the next class which was three weeks away.  Those three weeks seemed to drag.  The seminar was held over a weekend, and I have gained many benefits as a result.  The most important skill that I honed was meditation.  I had never meditated before.  At last, I was on the road to controlling my mind.

I’ll write more about my personal experiences and what I gained from the seminar, and I’ll break this information up into a series of blogs.  First, I must share that this is not the Sylvan Learning program!  This is the Silva Method of Mind Control, founded by an amazing man named Jose Silva.

What is the Silva Method?

The Silva Method is a program that awakens and educates people to an expanded inner awareness for self power to change; to create a better and better life. The Silva Method was discovered and developed by Jose Silva.  His discovery came more than 60 years ago. Through his study, practice and faith, Jose realized that within each of us is another world; the inner world where one’s Higher Self resides. To enter this inner world he has given us the techniques outlined in the Silva Method; the first and most important being the entrance to the Alpha level of consciousness. The Alpha level is the doorway to spiritual guidance, inspiration, intuition and higher consciousness.

The Silva Method is designed to help one learn to use more of the brain and elevate the creative powers of the mind through the use visualization, imagination, positive thinking and meditation. The method consists of guided exercises that allow learning in a relaxed alpha state where one is empowered with tools and techniques that can be applied to improve essentially every area of life.

With practice, one becomes more in tune with the inner self, enhanced ability to use both brain hemispheres, and the ability to use the higher consciousness to use information for problem solving. Each exercise leads to greater awareness, an increased ability to solve everyday problems, a better perspective of life, and greater success in manifesting one’s desires.  By using the foundation of the Silva Method which includes desire, belief, and expectancy, one can do personal greatness. The Silva Method can be learned by anyone. In the more than 40 years of existence The Silva Method has been taught to people of all ages, and walks of life.

The Silva Method can potentially change life for the better. It has mine.  The tools and techniques in The Silva Method are designed to influence every aspect of life, such as managing stress, improving the quality of thoughts, overcoming bad habits, improving learning ability, managing pain and discomfort, manifesting goals and even enhancing intuition.  The Silva Method has become part of me; not a single day goes by without my accessing some part of what I learned in that first seminar.

About Jose Silva

The man behind The Silva Method — is to me a great inspiration and it is important for me to share how he developed one of the most innovative educational programs from his humble beginning. Jose Silva was born in Laredo, TX, on the border of Mexico, on Aug. 11, 1914. He was a self-educated man; never having attended school a day in his life.

Jose Silva’s father died when he was just four years old and when he was six Jose helped support his family.  He learned from his brothers and sisters the lessons they were learning in school. Through his perseverance and curiosity in learning, he eventually became a well-respected business person.  His interest in electronics and grew a business which established an electronics training school in his hometown.  Jose Silva designed and received patents for several biofeedback instruments, and wrote over a dozen books.

As a teen, Jose Silva was earning a reputation as a successful business person. From a borrowed correspondence course loaned to him by his barber, he got into radio.  That education led to the development of the largest electronics repair business in south Texas.

Married at the age of 30, Jose Silva began to study psychology to find ways to help his children do better in school. He spent over 20 years studying great minds, researching the human condition, and developing his method. The study of psychology led him to hypnosis, which led him to meditation. As a result of this unexpected turn of events, he began to research metaphysics. Eventually, Silva developed a method that could teach anyone how to develop their own intuition.

In the mid 1960’s Jose Silva’s successful program became known beyond Laredo where he was teaching his method to more than 100 people every week. Soon he was asked to teach groups who were willing to pay him for his knowledge. At the age of 52 Silva began the work that would make him famous.

Jose Silva was many things during his full lifetime.  He was deeply devoted to his family, his business, the arts and education. He was fascinated with the mind development and human potential. He spent his entire lifetime developing his creative and intuitive abilities and teaching others to find their own abilities within themselves. The Silva Mind Control Method teaches people how to actually control their own minds for better health, faster learning, greater creativity, and for the development of their psychic ability.

Programs have been spawned from Jose Silva’s years of research. Former students such as doctors teach patients how to use visualization and imagination in treating cancer. Professional artists, sculptors, athletes, business executives, scientists and people from all walks of life have benefited from the program. The greatest contribution of the Silva Method is in teaching people how to actually develop and use their intuition to get information and correct problems.  After my first seminar, I have gone back for at least four more, often taking a family member or close friend who expressed interest in learning how to develop their intuitive skills and improve their life.  One family member suffered for many years from migraine headaches.  The Silva Method has given this member of my family the ability to control her pain without the use of analgesics or other prescribed medications.  For me, I have gained the ability to quiet my mind and listen to my inner Self.  When strong recall is required I am able to retrieve information that normally would have been lost to me.  I used some of the Silva tools while taking a course to prepare for the state of Arizona’s realtor examination.  I confidently answered every question and easily passed the test.

The seminars occur over a three or four-day period.  It is difficult to convey the complete educational part or the experiences one has during the seminar.  In my upcoming blogs, I will discuss “programming” of the mind, the process of going into the Alpha state, meditation, ways to use the method for stress and relaxation, a technique to make falling asleep easy, and even a technique that makes waking up without an alarm clock even easier!


The Silva Method: Mental Housekeeping

“What you think about expands” – Alan Cohen


To learn something new and apply it to one’s life, it is often necessary to do a “mental housekeeping” of sorts beforehand.  Our minds often seem to have tapes playing – some with positive messages or affirmations and others with negative, oppositional messages.  Positive thinking means thinking and talking about the things we want and not the things we don’t want.  Negative thinking is thinking and talking about the things we don’t want.

“I can’t…” or “I don’t want…” indicate negative thinking; thoughts that provoke the exact opposite of what is desired.  Negative thinking is like a photographic negative; just the opposite of the outcome hoped for.  Try avoiding phrases like, “That makes me sick,” “I can’t see that,” “He gives me a headache,” “A pain in the neck,” and the like.  These phrases create pictures in the mind of what we don’t want.

But what to do when negative thoughts are evoked and the negative tape is playing?  Jose Silva found the “cancel, cancel” technique to be effective and began teaching it to students before teaching them how to relax and get to alpha level.  The way the “cancel, cancel” technique works is, when a negative statement is made, say or think right away, “cancel, cancel.”  Think of as pressing the “delete” key on your keyboard.  Immediately replace the “cancelled” statement or thought with a positive statement or positive mental image of your desired goal.

Use positive statements about being healthy, being in control or being blessed.  Try counting your blessings.  Jose Silva believed the phrase “Better and better” triggers the mind to count our blessings and keep thinking about our goals and the outcomes we want.  The “Cancel, cancel” and “Better and better” techniques that have made big differences in my life.  The “Cancel, cancel” technique always seems to be one that people around me notice in our conversations and I always find myself grinning when I hear someone else in my life pick up its use.

Faith is another concept that Silva training defines as it applies to their techniques.  The word “faith” for many evokes thoughts of religion or religious beliefs.  For the purpose of learning the Silva techniques, faith is made up of want, belief and expectancy.

Desire is the motive force, the force that pushes us toward our goals.  Desire, being a pushing, motivating force is of the physical dimension. Without want, one would never even begin a project.  To increase the strength of one’s want, students learning the Silva technique are encouraged to repeat mentally or verbally what it is that is desired, along with the reasons for wanting that particular success.  Once able to enter the alpha level of consciousness more desire and reasons for success are manifested.  Why?  Both hemispheres of the brain are functioning and working together giving twice the results.

Belief is what sustains between want and expectancy; from the driving force and the goal already created in the mind.  Believe in yourself and your right to what you seek.  Believe it is possible; avoid setting goals you cannot believe you can do.  Anything your mind can conceive and believe and your heart desires can be achieved.  Expectancy is of the alpha, the subjective, and the dimensional.  It is the goal.  If want is the propelling force, then expectancy is the target in sight.



Introduction to Concepts of the Brain – Silva Style

Your Brain – It’s Vibrating

To begin to understand the Silva Method, one must first learn a little about the human brain. My educational background is in nursing, which gives me the tendency at times to relate information regarding the body on a level not readily understood by those without my same education and training. This is important for anyone serious about understanding the discoveries of Jose Silva. Therefore, I will break the information up into short, simplistic blogs.

Most successful people use their brains differently than the average person. These flourishing individuals use more of their minds and use it in a special way. Science tells us that the human brain vibrates with electrical energy. When deep asleep, the brain vibrates very slowly. When one is in a light level of sleep, where dreams take place, the brain vibrates more rapidly. Wide awake, the brain vibrates more rapidly still.

When one is wide awake and looking at things and thinking logically, the brain vibrates about 20 times per second. Scientists have defined this as the beta brain wave frequency. When one is very relaxed, in a light level of sleep, the brain vibrates more slowly of course, between seven and fourteen vibrations per second. Scientists define this as the alpha brain wave level. Still lower brain frequencies exist and are known as theta and delta, the slowest of deep sleep.

As an infant on average, a smaller part of the brain was used. An infant’s brain functions mostly in delta and theta, the slowest frequencies of the brain. As on grows older, more and more of the brain is accessed. Between the ages of seven and fourteen, the brain begins to function more in the alpha region; from alpha begins the development of the use of that part of the brain associated with beta frequencies. As humans, we all had the ability to use all of our brain; however, through no fault of our own, some might not develop the ability.

As individuals enter their teenage years, an interesting phenomenon begins to take place; some people albeit very few, learn to use both the left and the right sides of the brain to think with, while most learn to use only the left side to think with.

The left side of the brain or brain hemisphere is associated with logical thought and also with experiences in the physical world. The left brain hemisphere stores the experiences of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. The right hemisphere of the brain stores the experiences of the imagination, what one visualizes and what one imagines. Young children of course use their imagination quite a bit. As they grow older, they become so involved with all of the learning associated with the physical world around them, that some may use less imagination or even stop using imagination altogether. In this situation, the left brain hemisphere develops but the right hemisphere lags behind to think with.

Most individuals beyond the age of fourteen no longer have the ability to use the alpha brain frequency levels consciously. When the brain is slowed to alpha, they go to sleep. As a result, only half of the human brain is used for thinking.

For those interested in learning to use the right hemisphere of the brain for thinking, one must first learn to slow the brain to the alpha level – and without going to sleep, just as it could be achieved between the ages of seven and fourteen. Once the brain can be intentionally slowed to alpha level, one must practice using the right hemisphere of the brain for thinking. This is exactly what the Silva Method sets out to teach. The right side of the brain helps the achievement of goals.

If one can consciously reach alpha level, it is feasible for one to see improvement in many areas of life – improved health, memory, and the ability to learn more quickly, to perform better in business and see an increase in earning potential, improved relationships full of love and happiness.

Have you ever wondered why only a few exceptional people are considered to be outstanding in any field of endeavor? That’s because those exceptional people are among a minority of humans who grew up using both hemispheres of the brain. Think about it: they have more access to greater brain power from both sides as opposed to the masses who utilize only one.

The left hemisphere of the brain is logical. This is of course useful and very important and certain times. However, this logical process can get in one’s way as well. Consider that it was the left hemisphere of the brain that “knew” many years ago that no one could build a machine that would carry a human into flight. It had never been done, so therefore logic dictated that it would never be accomplished.

The right hemisphere is not limited by logic. It functions with the use of mental images. If one gives the right hemisphere a mental picture of what is desired, accompanied with one’s own faith that it can be accomplished, and keep the left brain from interjecting any of its logical doubts, then one can achieve what one desires. I have found that as I listen to successful individuals share their experiences in becoming successful, I realize how total and complete their concentration is, and how strong their mental visualization is.

To enjoy our own level of success, it is hopefully clear by now to the reader that the first step is to learn to reach the alpha level without falling asleep and also to learn to stay at that level for one to use visualization and imagination. The Silva Method has taught me through beginning exercises to reach the alpha level through practiced relaxation. Eventually, one can achieve all of the benefits of alpha functioning without going through relaxation.

To be successful at attaining alpha level, one must learn to concentrate and maintain attention on what one desires to think about. Should another thought intrude (and they will), let it go and bring the attention back to what is desired. In the beginning, no effort should be made in the mental dimension. One must just force oneself to relax, keeping in mind that the effort of trying creates tension and in the world of the mind, that only makes matters worse. As I continue to blog about my firsthand experience with learning from Silva and applying it to life, the reader will come to know that in the world of the mind, one must attract what it is that one wants. Relaxation and sustained concentration manifests all the success that is desired.

Getting Away From it All

“We yield, and we realize God has wrought something in us, and that the wings of our souls have learned to beat the upper air.” — Anonymous

Where is your “resting place”, that free space for nurturing and peace? As a child in kindergarten, like all of my classmates, I had a “resting mat.” Each day, for a period of forty-five minutes or so, my classmates and I took a little nap.

As an adult, my resting place is inside myself: a place where I live quietly, engaged in inarticulate creation.  I go to that silent space because I am safe there.  I find what I need to be replenished until I am ready to go into the world again.

For some, their resting places are primarily outside of themselves: the earth, the sea, the desert or the mountains.  It is called “getting away from it all,” but it’s really going to something needed as much as air and food.

We all will find a resting place in anything to which our heart calls us: music, writing in a journal, books on personal growth or spirituality or simply in solitude.  We all need sanctuary; time to be recreated; time to become reconnected to who we truly are.